Animal and Agricultural Centre in Nepal, 2009

Project Data

Start of construction: December 2007
End of construction: April 2009
Total construction costs: 29.412 Euro
Contribution Nepali Government: 16.219 Euro
Contribution Animal Center: 4.706 Euro
Contribution Hivos: 6.500 Euro
Contribution SSF: 1.987 Euro

The Project

This important center was started in 1988 and offers veterinary and agricultural services for the whole Kaski District of Nepal. The Centre has two departments: the Animal Center where people can bring their cattle for examination, insemination and castration. And the Agricultural Center, where people can get training in activities such as growing of crops, producing dairy, beekeeping, and fishery.

The Animal and Agricultural Center is centrally located in the plain area and therefore easy accessible for the farmers that live in the surrounding hills. Every day about 50 to 60 people visit the center and on a yearly basis more than 35.000 treatments take place. In total about 150.000 households profit from the services, which are governmental sponsored and therefore free of cost for the farmers!

The old center was too small for the current demand and the roof was damaged during a hail storm in 2006. Soon after that, they started with the construction of a new center, but finance was lacking from the start. Smart Shelter Foundation agreed to help them finish the building, but on one condition: the new construction has to meet the appropriate earthquake resistant measures.

The new design consists of a training hall, 2 offices and 6 working spaces, which includes a laboratory. On top of the existing foundation we built a new one, but this one is according to certain earthquake resistant rules, as well as the structure built on top of it. The new building was finished and opened in 2009.

Our Partners and Sponsors for this project

As with all our projects in Nepal, this project is executed with the help of SEED Foundation, who took care of the communication and administration with the representatives of the Center.

In total the project costs were 29.412 Euro, which was partially financed by the Center itself, in cooperation with the Department of Livestock and Agriculture in Nepal. The remaining amount is co-financed by Smart Shelter Foundation and the Dutch organization Hivos.
